The Ultimate Army Survival Guide the US Army Field Manual 21-76 is the App you need to survive the Zombie Apocalypse. Currently being used by the worlds best military force the US Army FM 21-76 is the survival guide you need whether it be wilderness survival or surviving a nuclear holocaust. With in depth content on a large array of survival tactics given below and a friendly user interface for jumping to different pages, the US Army FM 21-76 is designed for solider surviving behind enemy lines in hostile environments. SURVIVAL PLANNING AND SURVIVAL KITSBASIC SURVIVAL MEDICINESHELTERSWATER PROCUREMENTFIRECRAFTFOOD PROCUREMENTSURVIVAL USE OF PLANTSPOISONOUS PLANTSDANGEROUS ANIMALSFIELD-EXPEDIENT WEAPONS, TOOLS, AND EQUIPMENTDESERT SURVIVALTROPICAL SURVIVALCOLD WEATHER SURVIVALSEA SURVIVALEXPEDIENT WATER CROSSINGSFIELD-EXPEDIENT DIRECTION FINDINGSIGNALING TECHNIQUESSURVIVAL MOVEMENT IN HOSTILE AREASCONTACT WITH PEOPLESURVIVAL IN MAN-MADE HAZARDS